November 22, 2024Categories AlveriapressNovember 22, 2024HUMAN RESOURCES FORUM, GENOVA (ALVERIA): ‘OUR GOAL IS “PEOPLE FIRST”’Interview by Massimo Genova at the microphones of Adnkronos.Alveriapress
November 18, 2024Categories AlveriapressNovember 18, 2024THE XVI EDITION OF THE HUMAN RESOURCES FORUM IS COMING, FROM 19 NOVEMBER IN MILANThe 16th edition of the Human Resources Forum of Comunicazione Italiana will start on 20 November.Alveriapress
November 11, 2024Categories AlveriapressNovember 11, 2024ALVERIA: THE NEW FRONTIER OF HR DIGITAL TRANSFORMATIONInterview with Massimo Genova, CEO of Alveria, for Panorama's “Storie di Imprese” column.Alveriapress
October 28, 2024Categories AlveriapressOctober 28, 2024ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN HR PROCESSES: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES BETWEEN INNOVATION AND SECURITYContribution by Massimo Genova, CEO of Alveria, at the Digital Security Festival 2024.Alveriapress
October 24, 2024Categories AlveriapressOctober 24, 2024Alveria leads the HR Tech world into the futureIs it possible to integrate new technologies with HR skills? The answer can be summed up in one word: Alveria.Alveriapress
June 6, 2024Categories AlveriapressJune 6, 2024Wellbeing and Happiness at Work: the Role of TechnologyIn a world where technology permeates every aspect of life, let's see what aspects of work it can positively affect.Alveriapress