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September 27, 2024How to assess the soft skills present in the company?

July 31, 2024
How to assess the soft skills present in the company?
As is well known, human capital is a strategic asset that, if managed properly, can drive the sustainable growth and long-term success of the organization. Identifying internal competencies and fostering the growth of key skills can support not only efficiency, but also the company's competitive advantage. Among the relevant skills a key role is played by Soft Skills, competenza trasversali che hanno assunto nel tempo un’importanza cruciale, nel mondo del lavoro, diventando di fatto complementari a più specifiche competenze tecniche (Hard Skills). In molti contesti lavorativi, infatti, le prime consentono di eseguire compiti complessi e le seconde favoriscono un ambiente lavorativo collaborativo, flessibile e ben organizzato permettendo di affrontare le sfide quotidiane e raggiungere gli obiettivi in modo efficace.
How, then, is it possible to assess soft skills such as: Communication Skills, Team Working, Time Management, Conflict Management, Leadership, Creativity and Empathy? Let's check together what tools and methodologies can be introduced.
- Questionnaires and Interviews: collect employee feedback and evaluations through questions or statements aimed at assessing behavioral skills; conduct interviews (group or individual), to discuss soft skills use cases; monitor employees during work activities by directly observing their soft skills in action. How to. Again, management software comes to the rescue. The Test function of HCMS allows, for example, to define and customize the questions to be submitted, by individual competency of interest; enrich questionnaires with audio/video files and spaces dedicated to comments, for greater involvement of the resources involved.
- Feedback 360: utilizzare strumenti di valutazione certificati (es. HOGAN) può fornire insight interessanti sulle soft skills e i tratti di personalità dei dipendenti. Con modulo gestionale Skill Assessment management module, it is possible to initiate 360-degree assessment processes involving multiple sources (superiors, colleagues, subordinates, customers, and self-assessment activities) and have access to a more comprehensive overview with more extensive and accurate feedback. HR Departments can have a repository of skills in the company, to identify skills of interest and implement a tailored assessment process: steps, duration, evaluation forms and tests.
- Performance Analysis and Reporting: examine project results,identify trends, strengths and areas for improvement with a Data Driven approach (Read also: From Data Driven Management to AI: what opportunities in HR?) allows for the development of detailed reports, conducting analysis and proposing recommendations for future knowledge development through targeted training paths. But that's not all, with the Campaign Management feature of HCMS , for example, it is possible to link soft skills to performance indicators and collect and analyze employee performance data to infer about their soft skills.
- Simulations and Role-Playing: organizing simulations and Role-Playing scenarios, which require the use of specific soft skills, allows you to test how employees handle stressful situations, resolve conflicts and work as a team by deploying their communication, negotiation and problem-solving skills. The purpose here is twofold: to identify soft skills and to foster learning through experiential training.
As we have seen, the analysis and consecutive enhancement of soft skills requires a multimodal approachIn this assessment process, digitization platforms and guided observation processes, by experts in the field, facilitate the identification of key competencies supporting sustainable growth and long-term success. HCMS provides all the necessary modules and tools, both for managing evaluation processes and for structuring individual development plans.
Come è noto, il capitale umano rappresenta un asset strategico che, se gestito correttamente, può guidare la crescita sostenibile e il successo a lungo termine dell’organizzazione. Individuare le competenze interne e favorire la crescita di skills chiave può sostenere non solo l’efficienza, ma anche il vantaggio competitivo dell’azienda. Tra le competenze di rilievo un ruolo fondamentale viene ricoperto dalle Soft Skills, competenza trasversali che hanno assunto nel tempo un’importanza cruciale, nel mondo del lavoro, diventando di fatto complementari a più specifiche competenze tecniche (Hard Skills). In molti contesti lavorativi, infatti, le prime consentono di eseguire compiti complessi e le seconde favoriscono un ambiente lavorativo collaborativo, flessibile e ben organizzato permettendo di affrontare le sfide quotidiane e raggiungere gli obiettivi in modo efficace.
Come è possibile, quindi, valutare soft skills come: Abilità Comunicative, Team Working, Time Management, Gestione dei Conflitti, Leadership, Creatività ed Empatia? Verifichiamo insieme quali strumenti e metodologie possono essere introdotti
- Questionnaires and Interviews: collect employee feedback and evaluations through questions or statements aimed at assessing behavioral skills; conduct interviews (group or individual), to discuss soft skills use cases; monitor employees during work activities by directly observing their soft skills in action. How to. Again, management software comes to the rescue. The Test function of HCMS allows, for example, to define and customize the questions to be submitted, by individual competency of interest; enrich questionnaires with audio/video files and spaces dedicated to comments, for greater involvement of the resources involved.
- Feedback 360: utilizzare strumenti di valutazione certificati (Es. HOGAN) può fornire insight interessanti sulle soft skills e i tratti di personalità dei dipendenti. Con modulo gestionale Skill Assessment management module, it is possible to initiate 360-degree assessment processes involving multiple sources (superiors, colleagues, subordinates, customers, and self-assessment activities) and have access to a more comprehensive overview with more extensive and accurate feedback. HR Departments can have a repository of skills in the company, to identify skills of interest and implement a tailored assessment process: steps, duration, evaluation forms and tests.
- Performance Analysis and Reporting: examine project results,identify trends, strengths and areas for improvement with a Data Driven approach (Read also: From Data Driven Management to AI: what opportunities in HR?) allows for the development of detailed reports, conducting analysis and proposing recommendations for future knowledge development through targeted training paths. But that's not all, with the Campaign Management feature of HCMS , for example, it is possible to link soft skills to performance indicators and collect and analyze employee performance data to infer about their soft skills.
- Simulations and Role-Playing: organizzare simulazioni e scenari di Role-Playing, che richiedono l’uso di soft skills specifiche, consente di verificare come i dipendenti gestiscono le situazioni di stress, risolvono i conflitti e lavorano in squadra schierando le loro capacità di comunicazione, negoziazione e problem-solving. Lo scopo qui è duplice: individuare le competenze trasversali e favorire l’apprendimento con una experiential training.
Come abbiamo visto, l’analisi e il consecutivo potenziamento delle competenze trasversali richiede un approccio multimodale. In questo processo di valutazione, le piattaforme di digitalizzazione e i processi di osservazione guidati, da esperti del settore, facilitano l’individuazione delle competenze chiave supportando crescita sostenibile e successo a lungo termine. HCMS di Alveria mette a disposizione tutti i moduli e gli strumenti necessari sia per la gestione dei processi di valutazione che per la strutturazione di di piani individuali di sviluppo.