HR Innovation Practice Observatory: research findings 23-24
May 15, 2024The role of HR in business success
June 27, 2024Wellbeing and Happiness at Work: the Role of Technology
June 6, 2024
Wellbeing and Happiness at Work: the Role of Technology
In world where technology permeates every aspect of life, it has become critical for organizations to explore its impact on corporate Wellbeing by taking note of it in order to implement possible structural and cultural transformations. Technology has, in fact, opened up new opportunities to improve the quality of life for employees and promote a more positive and inclusive organizational culture, with consecutive benefits in terms of efficiencies for the companies involved in the process.
Let's look together at what aspects of work technology can positively affect:
- Flexibility and Work-Life Balance: working flexibly and remotely offers greater autonomy and freedom, reducing stress related to travel and enabling better management of work-life balance with consecutive impacts on resource performance.
- Immediate and Transparent Communication and Collaboration: business Communication Platforms speed up the exchange of information by reducing waiting time and improving efficiency by fostering collaboration among colleagues, even at a distance, and promoting a sense of belonging and cohesion.
- Professional Development and Continuous Learning: e-learning and online training platforms offer employees the opportunity to develop their skills in a flexible and personalized manner. Through online courses, webinars and digital resources, employees can access up-to-date training content relevant to their career path. This not only fosters individual growth, but also contributes to employee engagement and satisfaction, who feel valued and supported in their professional development.
- Monitoring and Psychophysical Wellbeing: technology also offers tools to monitor employees' psychophysical well-being through parameterization and subsequent analysis of variables that can be associated with obvious states of generalized malaise (e.g., high rates of turnover and absenteeism). Companies can use this information to implement policies and programs aimed at employee well-being, creating a healthier and more sustainable work environment.
Opening up to technology, consciously and responsibly, thus gives access to countless opportunities for people and organizations to grow. However, the choice of appropriate tools to achieve the described results passes through a careful analysis of the tools available on the market, in order to choose solutions that are more functional to one's corporate physiognomy.
Alveria, for more than ten years, has offered guidance in the complex processes of digital transformation by supporting, national and international realities, both on the management consulting front in HR and in the choice of the most functional technologies for success. Alveria's HR process digitization platform, HCMS , represents, to date, one of the most advanced and flexible HR service and process management solutions on the market.
Source: GHR Summit
In mondo dove la tecnologia permea ogni aspetto della vita è diventato fondamentale per le organizzazioni esplorarne l’impatto sul Wellbeing aziendale prendendone atto per attuare eventuali trasformazioni strutturali e culturali. La tecnologia infatti ha, di fatto, aperto nuove opportunità per migliorare la qualità della vita dei dipendenti e promuovere una cultura organizzativa più positiva e inclusiva, con consecutivi vantaggi in termini di efficienze per le aziende coinvolte nel processo.
Let's look together at what aspects of work technology can positively affect:
- Flexibility and Work-Life Balance: lavorare in modo flessibile e remoto offre una maggiore autonomia e libertà, riducendo lo stress legato agli spostamenti e consentendo una migliore gestione dell’equilibrio tra vita professionale e privata con consecutivi impatti sul rendimento delle risorse.
- Immediate and Transparent Communication and Collaboration: le Piattaforme di comunicazione aziendale velocizzano lo scambio di informazioni riducendo i tempi di attesa e migliorando l’efficienza favorendo la collaborazione tra colleghi, anche a distanza, e promuovendo un senso di appartenenza e coesione.
- Professional Development and Continuous Learning: l’e-learning e le piattaforme di formazione online offrono ai dipendenti l’opportunità di sviluppare le proprie competenze in modo flessibile e personalizzato. Attraverso corsi online, webinar e risorse digitali, i lavoratori possono accedere a contenuti formativi aggiornati e rilevanti per il proprio percorso professionale. Questo non solo favorisce la crescita individuale, ma contribuisce anche al coinvolgimento e alla soddisfazione dei dipendenti, che si sentono valorizzati e supportati nel loro sviluppo professionale.
- Monitoring and Psychophysical Wellbeing: technology also offers tools to monitor employees' psychophysical well-being through parameterization and subsequent analysis of variables that can be associated with obvious states of generalized malaise (e.g., high rates of turnover and absenteeism). Companies can use this information to implement policies and programs aimed at employee well-being, creating a healthier and more sustainable work environment.
Aprirsi alla tecnologia, in modo consapevole e responsabile, da accesso dunque a innumerevoli possibilità di crescita per persone e organizzazioni. La scelta di strumenti adeguati al conseguimento dei risultati descritti passa però attraverso un’attenta analisi dei tools disponibili sul mercato, per la scelta di soluzioni più funzionali alla propria fisionomia aziendale.
Alveria, da oltre dieci anni, si offre una guida nei complessi processi di trasformazione digitale supportando, realtà nazionali ed internazionali, sia sul fronte della consulenza gestionale in ambito HR che nella scelta delle tecnologie più funzionali al successo. La piattaforma di digitalizzazione dei processi HR di Alveria, HCMS , represents, to date, one of the most advanced and flexible HR service and process management solutions on the market.
Source: GHR Summit
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